
Horse Gives Birth To Fly: traces sonores et pistes visuelles by Miccam

Horse Gives Birth To Fly: traces sonores et pistes visuelles by Miccam

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This exhibition operates image and music, from a series of visual productions referring directly to the imaging of the musical group Horse Gives Birth To Fly, consisted of Christophe Watz, David Gimenez and Michaël Marchais (Miccam), every three living in Montpelier.

"The objective of this plastic work is to create a footbridge between the visual expression and the musical expression. It’s a question of allowing these two modes of expression often divided up in a artificial way to benefit from a « transversalité » made possible by the stake in correspondence of these two arts. In a case as in the other one, it’s a question of plunging the public into an atmosphere which monopolizes it globally: the sound and the image serve the same intention. The interactions between these two fields are numerous and can only present a very big variety of objectives and results. Between the images accompanied with sounds, the music accompanied with images, the association music / image of static type, the objective and the common desire is to produce a " spectacular creation ". This one is made possible by the crossing of two domains (image / sound) so meaningful in their peculiarity as in their links.

Today, the increasing dematerialization and the reduction of the visual and musical creations are convenient to a greater fusion of these two poles. To voice a work, it also is to give him the temporal dimension which incites the spectator to linger there; to associate images with sounds strengthens their discursive capacities. To see and to listen…". (Miccam)
Photographic printing on PVC with 45 x 34,1 cm dimensions will be available at Art Liberation soon.

More images to be found at our Virtual Exhibition section.

Horse Gives Birth To Fly @ Myspace