
Traces sonores et pistes visuelles by Artliberation.org


The objective of this plastic work is to create a footbridge between the visual expression and the musical expression. It’s a question of allowing these two modes of expression often divided up in a artificial way to benefit from a « transversalité » made possible by the stake in correspondence of these two arts. In a case as in the other one, it’s a question of plunging the public into an atmosphere which monopolizes it globally: the sound and the image serve the same intention. The interactions between these two fields are numerous and can only present a very big variety of objectives and results. Between the images accompanied with sounds, the music accompanied with images, the association music / image of static type, the objective and the common desire is to produce a " spectacular creation ". This one is made possible by the crossing of two domains (image / sound) so meaningful in their peculiarity as in their links.

Photodigital editing. Photographic printing on PVC of French Artist involved in Horse Gives Birth To Fly music project.

Buy edition of Traces sonores et pistes visuelles @ ARTLIBERATION.ORG
